Wednesday, November 02, 2005

White Sox, Illinois General Assembly, Senate ceremonies

More photos of Jerry, Ozzie and more White Sox fans

Bill Status of HR0703 94th General Assembly
Short Description: WHITE SOX-2005 WS CHAMPS

Synopsis As IntroducedCongratulates the Chicago White Sox organization and Manager Ozzie Guillen on their 2005 World Series victory.

Be sure to read the full text. If the link doesn't work, try a search on White Sox on that page.


Bill Status of HR0709 94th General Assembly

Synopsis As IntroducedCongratulates Jerry Reinsdorf for his astuteness in assembling one of the most winning teams in Chicago White Sox history and for bringing the first World Series Championship to Chicago since 1917.

My thanks to the for linking to this blog.Congratulations to Ozzie Guillen on becoming a United States citizen!Read the .Keep visiting this website. I hope to share my photos from when the All Star Game was hosted at Comiskey Park back in the '80s.

Chicago Baseball Museum story regarding this achievement here